You’ll Have to Pry These Products Out of My Cold, Dead Hands
By Raima
The elders say, “Pride comes before a fall” and like most of their sensible advice, this one also holds true, especially for me. You see, when I was a teenager, I never had a problem with acne EVER. Yes, there were the usual blemishes, a little rosecea maybe once or twice a month, and then also it was one or two at a time, never the face covering ones that basically is the bane of adolescence. You can imagine what happened next, I became proud of my skin, and secretly I preened at my blemish-free face and gloated.
Karma is a b!tch and it got to me. I got married, shifted to Bombay and my skin decided to rebel due to a mix of climatic conditions and a mild case of PCOS. My lovely skin was now dotted with bumps and pimples and redness. Touching my face in the morning felt like touching an oily kadhai that has not been cleaned properly. Moisturizers felt sticky and greasy and I could never find the right one, that would just melt into my skin and not lie on top of it and add to the greasiness. The toner I was using (rose water) was not helping either. My pores were visible from space. There are no before pics because I refused to have my pictures taken during this period. I was literally at my wits end, when two things happened a) I finally decided to walk into the Kiehl’s store in Palladium, and b) I discovered Korean skincare thanks to Buzzfeed and other bloggers.
Yup, it has gone to the stage where I’m trying to squeeze every last bit out Pic Courtesy: Raima |